Alyse Kibodeaux
Alyse has worked for Bradley & Moreau for 1 year as a closer specializing in commercial real estate, but has extensive experience in title work as she previously owned a title company. Alyse is known for providing thorough, efficient work and dry humor if you ever catch her outside of her office. Her favorite part of working for Bradley Moreau Title are the great friends she has come to know during her time with the firm.
Alyse in 3 Words:
Best Piece of Advice:
At the end of the day, the only person you can truly depend on is yourself.
Greatest Achievement Outside of Work?
Her daughter, Claudia.

Lake Charles Office
1490 Market Street Suite 2
Lake Charles, LA 70601
Phone: 337-990-4333
Fax: 337-513-4683