Every Friday morning The Lafayette Bar Association offers Counsel on Call, an opportunity for local citizens to seek legal advice about any type of problem they may be struggling to solve. The latest issue of The Promulgator, the LBA’s quarterly publication, features an article written by Brandon C. Bradley about his volunteer experience with Counsel on Call.
Bradley recalls his first Counsel on Call experience being “unexpected’ as he had been asked to fill in for a friend at the last minute, but he admits he soon realized that the people he was helping had “serious, pressing legal needs”. Bradley, “noticed quickly that it was not uncommon to learn that the individuals [he] was advising had no home, no money, no friends, no family, no computer, no phone and, in sum, no options. It quickly became obvious that sitting with Counsel on Call participants and giving them fifteen minutes of legal advice was invaluable to those participants.”
Through Brandon’s monthly volunteer hours, he has realized that just in our small community there are so many people who need help and guidance. He shares that “participants primarily need moral support – someone to hold their hand for a few minutes and listen. The gratitude on each participant’s face as the advisory session concludes reinforces the fact that Counsel on Call is an invaluable service.” Click here to read the entire article in The Promulgator.